Kings Island Tickets

Well, Monday is here once again. Hopefully, everyone is recovering from their post-camp recoveries. Time to gear up for our Kings Island trip this coming Friday! Information about this year’s trip can be found HERE. We’ll update this page if anything changes between now and then. Here’s the info for ticket purchases:

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Camp Through The Years

Hello friend of MSC! We wanted to let you know about a fairly new section at our website that we’re calling “Camp Through The Years“. It’ll be the home base for digging into the history of past camp years (both Senior and Junior Weeks) and seeing the pictures and videos we’ve collected, team standings, special awards, blog posts, etc….

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Blog Technical Difficulties

We imagine some of you have been waiting for blog posts to be coming out of Junior Week, which is currently going on. There have been some issues with getting those posts out that we are working through, so we apologize that nothing has made it out yet. In the meantime, the Junior Week Media Team has been posting…

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Wrapping up MSC Senior Week 2024

Today marks the end of another great week of making memories at MSC. We are so thankful to have meaningful time with our campers and even more thankful to all of our staff for making this week possible. We hope all of our campers walk away encouraged and with new life-long friends! We started our awards ceremony with our…

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The BEST Friday Afternoon!

Friday is a big day for teams!! We started our afternoon with the tradition of GET CRAZY MSC, where campers pump up the energy in the mess hall! Tug of War was the first event, and the Lime team showed great teamwork to win it all!! Up next were the surprise events. Teams had to work together to fill…

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Finally Friday!!

Good morning on the last full day of MSC!! After breakfast, campers headed to their cabins for photos, then to the Rec Hall for a bible study led by Rex Guyer. Rex gave us three points on how we can mirror God in our lives: We mirror God when we… After bible study, it was time to get in…

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Celebrating our Last Year Campers

We had a wonderful evening last night! First, we had our dinner to celebrate our last year campers. They are all so special to us and we wish them the best of luck on their next adventures! We ended the night with the Talent Show, and it is awesome to see the way the campers cheer and encourage those…

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Thriving on Thursday <3

Another great afternoon of camp, with exciting canoe heats and the tension growing for the lip sync performance tomorrow night! Campers played wiffle hockey, “projectile avoidance,” and Deal or No Deal. Canoe heats were intense this afternoon, with spills, tips, and crashes! Campers emerged safe, but maybe a little more wet than when they started! See below to find…

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