Bring on the Rain! Wednesday Video and Thursday Morning.

Starting off this blog post with another one of Jared’s awesome videos! Thursday morning brought in a lot of rain and a few storms. That has never stopped us before though! Campers rotated through giant jenga, paintball, and of course, bible study! Today’s bible study was about “Putting on the New Self” and was led by Nick Hall. Special…

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BRAND NEW Activity Alert!

MSC had an amazing afternoon, and we are thankful the rain stayed away! This afternoon campers participated in an ALL-NEW team game: human foosball!! Campers had to try and score a goal, while never letting go of their PVC pipe. They had a blast!! The other team activities included canoeing, team craft time, lip sync practice, and a camper…

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Wednesday Morning

We are ready for another day at MSC!! Campers were up early for our flagpole devo by Ethan Rhoton and a yummy waffle and sausage breakfast. Today’s theme is “Put Off the Old Self” from Colossians 3:9. Campers rotated through their group activities of disc golf, craft, and a bible study led by Kevin Bray! “Since you have put…

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Tuesday’s Video and Evening Recap

After our festive taco dinner, the mess hall was set up for our evening bible study. After a few songs (it is so beautiful to hear our voices joined together) we were lead in a study by Jason Dukes based on the verses found in Colossians 3:1-4. Distraction is one of Satan’s weapons. We should all be setting our…

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Jam Packed Tuesday Afternoon

With the change in schedule, campers went to their group rotations after lunch, making for a busy afternoon! Campers rotated through water balloon launch, crafts, and a bible study lead by Nick Paden. What is “His” Image? Devotional by Nick Paden God’s Image is: What does mean for me? After these group rotations, campers finished up the afternoon with…

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Tuesday Morning Rotations (New!)

Campers were up nice and early this morning for a flagpole devotional by Wyatt Dickey. Today, we will be learning “What is HIS image?” We are trying out a new schedule today and campers went right to their team activities. Three rotations were completed this morning, and campers could be found down at Lake Shakamak canoeing, on the sports…

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Monday Recap Video and Talentless Show!

Good morning! Our videographers were hard at work yesterday creating and documenting the camp experience! Check out the daily recap video made by Jared Boone: Our second videographer Michael Bray made sure to document all the awesome “talent” showcased by our staff last night: We are excited for the first FULL DAY of MSC! Keep checking the blog, Instagram,…

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Day 1 Afternoon Activities!

Camp was in full swing after our yummy hotdog and mac’n’cheese lunch. Campers rotated through 5 different activities with their teams: ultimate frisbee, volleyball, knockout, team craft work time, and lip sync practice (performance on Friday!) This year’s lip sync theme is MSC at the Movies and both our songs and the decorations in the craft hall are going…

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Let’s get MSC 2024 Started!!

It is time to start another wonderful year of MSC! Our staff has been hard at work preparing to make this the best week of the year. Make sure you are following our Instagram (@Midwestsummercamp) and our Facebook page for more frequent updates and photos! Here are a few photos of check-in and opening ceremonies. We love seeing our…

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