And the Winners Are…

Well, MSC 2015 Sr. Week has drawn to a close!  🙁  With 204 campers, this is the largest Sr. Week MSC has had since prior to the creation of Jr. Week (which is for campers aged 8-11). The awards have been handed out and the goodbyes have been said.  Everyone is leaving Shakamak with tons of wonderful memories and friendships…

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Saturday Morning Flagpole — “Be Strong”

Security staffer Ken Evans and the Cabin 10 boys led the discussion around the flagpole this 4th of July morning.  America’s Independence Day is a day of pride for Americans.  We know that it takes a strong army to defend a nation.  It takes a strong Christian to defend his/her soul.  The only person who can knock you out…

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Good Friday Night from MSC

Well, we’ve come to the close of the last full day of MSC 2015 Sr. Week.  It was a great team day full of activities and it ended on a high note as Last Year Campers reminisced around the campfire following the lip sync competition and a presentation from Chase Cleary about his recent preaching trip to Nicaragua this evening….

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A Villainous Lip Sync Competition

The 2015 Lip Sync competition took on a villainous theme with songs from Disney villains, the Muppets, the Lorax, and even the Grinch.  Each team put in LOTS of hard work and it really paid off as it was a great evening of performances. Extra kudos to the Red Team for patiently enduring technical difficulties of broken speakers as…

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Tug of War Tournament

Prior to this afternoon’s obstacle course, each team competed in the MSC Tug of War Tournament, a single-elimination competition. The championship match pitted the Green team against the Orange team, with Green pulling their way to victory. Congratulations, Team Green!

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Obstacle Course Results

And the obstacle course results are: 1.  Purple — 19:21:59 2.  Red — 21:57:22 3.  Blue — 22:16:15 4.  Gold — 22:36:72 5.  Orange — 22:40:00 6.  Silver — 23:10:53 7.  Lime — 24:22:00 8.  Green — 25:24:03 9.  Hunter — 25:45:33 10.  Navy — 26:46:99

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Obstacle Course 2015

Sports director Greg King and sports staffer Sean Walker crafted another fantastic obstacle course this year.  The teams ran the 13-station course, striving to complete faster than all the other teams.  Here’s the obstacle course: 1.  Dark Trailer — campers were shut into a cargo trailer, had to find a flashlight, insert the battery, find a paper and read…

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Team Day Activity Stations

This morning after Bible study, team events began with five different activity stations including: Bible Trivia, Frisbee Bridge, Hula Hoop Relay, Tug-A-Truck, and Projectile Avoidance (aka dodgeball). Bible Trivia Frisbee Bridge Hula Hoop Relay Tug-A-Truck Projectile Avoidance

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