It certainly was a restful night after a long day of activities. Everyone was dragging a little this morning (including the staff), but we are excited for another beautiful day at Shakamak.
We began the day as we always do with the pledge of allegiance and a flagpole devotion led by Zach McCauley. The kids were very attentive as he discussed how “BLESSED” we truly are. He did a great job!
Afterwards, we headed into the mess hall for a breakfast of french toast, sausage, and bananas. If you ever wondered what it is like to corral 150+ 8-11-year-olds, here’s a quick time-lapse video to show you.
After we ate, we celebrated some birthdays and headed back to the cabins for clean-up and inspections. Then off to another fun day of sports and crafts!
Love seeing what my kiddos are doing while they are away. Thank you!