MSC Senior Week 2021 is officially kicked off! Name buttons have been distributed, car keys collected, The cell phone jail is nearing full capacity & The Nursing staff are learning all about how to best care for your campers throughout the week!
Team Captains for the week are:
Team Red: Luke & Kelsey Broderick
Team Orange: Luke & Paige Capps
Team Lime: Nick & Laura Hall
Team Green: Craig & Ronna Howell
Team Hunter: Bruce & Shawn Carpenter
Team Blue: Justin & Mikayla Hall
Team Navy: Aaron & Brooke Sandy
Team Purple: Steve & Shelly Elkins
Team Gold: Nick & Katie Pade
Team Silver: Dustin & Chelsea Russell
Your campers will be enjoying the following for Lunch:
Grilled Hot Dogs, Coney Sauce, Fritos, Salad Bar & Monster Cookies for Dessert.
On the Menu for Dinner: Lasagna, Breadsticks, Salad Bar & Chocolate Cake for Dessert.
The List of Activities your campers will participate in today include:
Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Knock Out, Lip Synch Practice & Crafts.
Luke Capps will lead the entire camp in Bible Study at 8:30 & the nearly World Famous Staff “Talentless” show kicks off around 9 PM
Your campers long day concludes with singing in the lower sports field and lights out will commence between 11 & 11:15 (Wink-Wink).