MSC had an amazing afternoon, and we are thankful the rain stayed away! This afternoon campers participated in an ALL-NEW team game: human foosball!! Campers had to try and score a goal, while never letting go of their PVC pipe. They had a blast!!

The other team activities included canoeing, team craft time, lip sync practice, and a camper favorite: air raid!

Compadre Sammy gave Ryan Bemis the “Jump the Gun” paper plate award for jumping out of his canoe reaaaaally early! Brayden Parr received the “sharp shooter” paper plate award from compadre Ethan Rhoton. Brayden threw a ball precisely in between two picnic benches to get a camper out!
Cabin 11 challenged Cabin 12 to an ultimate frisbee match, and with the rain coming in, it is sure to be an exciting game to watch tonight after dinner!
Keep checking our social media for more updates and photos! Thank you for following along this week 🙂