Our Golden Dust Pan Awards for Tuesday went to Girls Cabin 11 and Boys Cabin 6. Shock, surprise, the worst cabin cleaning was “awarded” to Cabin 10 boys meaning they were on Mess Hall Bathroom Cleaning duty after Breakfast today. They still managed to make the best of a less than fun activity:
2 Paper Plate Awards were handed out as well. The first to Isaac Bemis, Cabin 2-Team Red. Isaac received the David Vs Goliath Award for his valiant effort on the Ultimate Frisbee field against bigger opponents! The second was awarded to Dominic Landfair, Cabin 6 – Team Gold for his amazing catch on the Ultimate Frisbee field with only 3 fingers.

Wednesday Morning at Camp started with Craig Howell leading camp in Raising the Flag, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance & reciting our memory verse for the week: Matthew 5:13
A delicious breakfast of breakfast burritos, Hashbrowns and assorted Cereal was enjoyed by all.
Wednesday brings another fun filled day to #mscsrweek including Crafts, Singing/Bible Study, Disc Golf, Canoe Practice, Air Raid, Lip Synch practice & Soccer. After Dinner, you campers will enjoy Game night, some free time and Ted Talks (Group III) given by Todd Walker and Corey Willis. The day will conclude as it always does with singing on the sports field and lights out by 11 (Group I), 11:15 (Group II) & 11:30 (Group III). If you haven’t already noticed, your campers are busy from sun up to well passed sun down, but you can feel the energy and buzz around camp – It’s simply amazing!
One last thing to note, Team captains have been encouraged to upload candid shots they are capturing of your campers throughout the week to: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NM9VYjyYPpFxjP2u5 Please feel free to hunt for your campers in the ever growing album of staff pics.