Nick Hall led your Campers Morning Bible Study this Morning:
Our theme this year is Faith over fear and today’s theme is Power
Who wrote the letter- Paul
Who is he writing to? Timothy
Where was Paul- Prison
I’m praying for you and thankful for you.
Be bold and don’t be afraid. Don’t be ashamed of the Lord. Paul asked Timothy to share with me your sufferings.
Be bold and have strength and power.
Today we aren’t beaten, stoned or had other ways physical sufferings.
Today we suffer by… lost friends, missed practices, bullied, peer pressure, old-timers, close minded, cyber bullying
Food sets a standard that we should be different.
1- Stand when it feels like no one else is standing.
If you aren’t living the way God set the standard, you are denying him.
What does it look like to stand up when the world is different:
Standing up doesn’t look like over powering people, bullying, being a hypocrite.
Don’t be ashamed of the gospel, to suffer, when you are bold. Stand your ground.
2- Find the source of strength
The ultimate strength is God. Know you’re limits and strengths.
1Peter 5:7
People and standards of the world change. God’s standard doesn’t change.
If you have a band account with $20, can you purchase something for $25? No, your card will be declined.
There’s no limit to the amount of strength God can provide you.
Psalm 37:23