First rule of pillow fight club is you do not talk about pillow fight club.
Observing first rule of pillow fight club here.
Observing first rule of pillow fight club here.
Following this morning’s Bible class, Team Day kicked off with activity station events each team rotated through. The activities were: Hula Hoop Relay — the team stood in a circle with their arms linked. Each camper had to pass through the hula hoop without unlinking arms. Frisbee Bridge — the team had to cross a marked off area using…
Softball Green (20) vs. Gold (17) Blue (20) vs. Lime (14) Orange (20) vs. Pink (11) Silver (17) vs. Hunter (5) Purple (16) vs. Red (15) Canoe Heats Pink — 16:43 Gold — 16:59 Lime — 18:12 Silver — 18:33 Blue — 18:48 Green — 19:18 Hunter — 21:13 Red — 21:49 Purple — 23:29 Orange — 23:35…
Also during this afternoon’s rotations, each team competed in three rousing games of Projectile Avoidance (which some may say seems a lot like dodge ball, which the staff can neither confirm nor deny 😉 ). While the teams were throwing various-sized rubber balls at their opponents, team captains got a great workout shagging balls for their teams. There are…
Canoeologists Shannon & Dana Shaffer welcomed all the campers to Lake Shakamak this afternoon for the highly-anticipated canoe heats. Two teams were pitted against each other during each rotation this afternoon and navigated the lake paddling opposite directions around a T-formation. Each team was also given three balls to attempt to make a basket in a two-ring basketball hoop…
During this afternoon’s rotations, each team hit the ball diamond for exciting games of softball. Each game consisted of two innings: the first inning was traditional using a bat and softball, while the second inning the batters used a tennis racket and tennis ball.
It was another great day on the sports fields. All teams competed in Air Raid, soccer, and disc golf. Here is Wednesday’s scoreboard: Soccer Blue (5) vs. Silver (2) Lime (4) vs. Red (3) Hunter (4) vs. Orange (1) Pink (4) vs. Gold (0) Green (3) vs. Purple (1) Air Raid Gold (116) vs. Lime (61) Blue…
MSC Jr. Week campers have been enjoying soccer matches for many years, and now, starting today, Sr. Week campers are enjoying it as well. Each team played three periods of soccer this afternoon, and this event looks like it may become a staple on the Sr. Week schedule.